
Romans 2:1-16

Sermon Summary

Romans 2 teaches that God will judge all of humanity, including those who believe. This terrifying prospect drives us to Jesus for both grace to stand and power to change. In light of the full "16-story" scope of Romans, Christians who believe the Gospel must repent of our self-righteousness and continue to grow in godliness, so that the name of God will not be blasphemed in the world, but praised.

Discussion Questions
  1. What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
  2. Reread the passage — either out loud in the group, or silently with your own Bible. Which words were most troubling to you? Which were most comforting? Why?
  3. Describe a nonbeliever in your life whose life shows God's law "written on the heart." How can their life encourage and challenge you?
  4. Describe someone in your life (anonymously) who seeps self-righteousness toward you. What gives it away?  Where do YOU tend to seep self-righteousness toward others?
  5. In what specific ways do you desire to grow more like Jesus? 
  6. What part of Romans' 16-story theological skyscraper is especially compelling to you?
Resources Consulted:
  • Discovering the Joy of a Clear Conscience, Christopher Ash
  • The Household of God, Lesslie Newbigin
  • True to Our Native Land: An African-American New Testament Commentary, ed. Brian K .Blount
  • The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCaulley
  • Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
  • The Message of Romans,John Stott
  • Paul for Everyone, Part 1, N.T. Wright

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