Relational Wholeness

Sermon Summary
Jesus wants to reframe our understanding of sex and marriage so we can all experience more relational wholeness in all of life. To do this we have to understand the Yeses behind his Nos; to know the Author and finisher of Love; and to enter the Hard Way to Wholeness.
Discussion Questions
- What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
- Describe your history with lust and/or divorce. How do Jesus' words reframe your understanding of them?
- What are some good desires that might morph into over-desiring lust?
- What good things is Jesus trying to protect with these strong words?
- Which specific practical actions are you challenged to take? How and when will you begin taking them?
- What is your view of divorce—and how does scripture shape it? Consider Matthew 19:1-12 and 1 Corinthians 7:1-40.
Resources Consulted:
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
- Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
- The Message of Matthew, John Stott
- The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: John Pennington
- The Sermon on the Mount: Sinclair Ferguson
- The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
- The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey
- The Enemy Within, Kris Lundgaard
- The Great Divorce, CS Lewis
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