
Matthew 5:21-26

Sermon Summary

Jesus taught that the root cause of murder is unmanaged anger. Managing it requires us to do three things: 1) Lose your cool—that is, take the dangers of anger very seriously. 2) Find the root of the root—that is, the behaviors underneath your anger that convert hurt or fear into self-righteous contempt—which only the Gospel of Jesus can extinguish. 3) Nip it in the bud—that is, quickly and proactively work to address conflicts before they escalate. Jesus added a final motivation in his charge to prioritize reconciliation over worship.

Discussion Questions
  1. What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
  2. How does anger manifest itself in your life?
  3. How can you tell whether your anger is righteous or unrighteous?
  4. Think of a recent time when you have been unrighteously angry. What was the self-righteous contempt in your heart? Take a moment to repent of this to the Lord and ask him to help you forgive.
  5. Consider the murder of Jesus for our murderous hearts. How does this motivate you to release your anger to him?
  6. Describe a relationship in your life that is estranged or not fully reconciled. Have you done everything in your power to ”seek peace and pursue it”? What else could you do?
Resources Consulted:
  • Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
  • True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
  • The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
  • Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
  • The Message of Matthew, John Stott
  • The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: John Pennington
  • The Sermon on the Mount: Sinclair Ferguson
  • The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard

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