Discover your place to Serve

We encourage all members to serve—within the church body, alongside local partners, and through supporting global missions. There are many ways to use your time, talents, and resources to make a meaningful difference inside and outside our congregation.
A leader briefing a team of volunteers

Sunday Morning Service Opportunities

Serving others is a profound privilege of following Jesus, who came "not to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45). It's one of the most transformative ways we grow in grace, deepen relationships, and further God's kingdom. At Westside, a great place to start serving is on Sunday mornings. Check out some of our opportunities.

A woman greeting church guests before a Sunday service

Sunday serve opportunities

Westside Kids (Children)

A fun and rewarding opportunity to teach kids about Jesus. Whether you want to hold babies, encourage play and learning with two year olds, teach third graders about the love of Jesus, or help greet and check families in, we'd love to have you serve. Sign up.

Westside Students (Youth)

Pour into Junior and High School youth through hangouts, small groups, and Sunday school. Sign up.

Parking Team

Ensure smooth and organized parking experience on Sunday mornings. Sign up.

Welcome and Ushering Team

Greet each guest with a warm and friendly welcome to make their first impression a positive one! Sign up.

Hospitality Team

Opportunities to create a warm, welcoming, stimulating atmosphere:

  • Join the events team to ensure events are inviting and enjoyable.
  • Brew and setup coffee.
  • Setup and/or serving communion elements.

Sign up.

Worship and AV

Keep everyone in sync and enhance corporate worship by managing what to say and sing, and by providing great music that makes the experience better for all.

  • No experience necessary for AV.
  • Worship team participation requires prior experience, prior participation in other Westside musical activities (choir, music night, etc), church membership, and an interview.
  • Expect to serve once a month from roughly 6:15a - 12:15p.
  • It's a big commitment, but we're a fun team!

Sign up.

Local missions

Serving the 30318 Community

We are called to be a light in our local community—well beyond the walls of our church. Through missional partnerships and volunteer initiatives, we seek to tangibly demonstrate the love of Christ to our neighbors.

From one-time service projects like neighborhood cleanups and food bank shifts, to ongoing relationship-building programs and skills-training classes—there are many ways to put your faith into action and make an impact.

Discover how you can get involved and be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in the 30318.

Discover a welcoming christian community

Join us for meaningful worship services and
connect with others seeking a deeper faith.

Church members getting food from both sides of a long table
Global missions

Invest In International Kingdom Work

From long-term partnerships with established international ministries to supporting or going on short-term mission trips, there are many ways to get involved in our global outreach efforts. Whether through financial giving, prayer or hands-on service, you can play a vital role in the Great Commission. Discover how you can make an eternal impact beyond our local community.

Mission partners

Sam and Madison Cromley

Bangkok, Thailand
Mission to the World

After meeting during an internship in East Asia, Sam and Madison felt called to participate in church planting in Bangkok, Thailand, where they aim to share the gospel and build up the local church.

Prayer Requests:
Pray for our team as we long to build lasting relationships with Thai people. Pray that God would help us to learn the language quickly so that we can connect with people in their heart language. Pray that God would break down the cultural barriers that make it difficult for Thai people to accept the Gospel, and ask that the Holy Spirit would lead us in all that we do and say here.


Stephen Hellier

Chang Mai, Thailand
Campus Outreach SERVE

Stephen Hellier, a Georgia Tech graduate, felt called to campus ministry in Thailand, where he aims to share the gospel with the largely non-Christian population, especially university students.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that our team would fully lean on God to give us strength for the work and that we would wisely use everything he has provided us.


Tomo Ito

Warm Springs, Oregon
Sacred Road Ministries

Tomo serves on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation with Sacred Road Ministries, aiming to love the local Native American community and bridge the historical divide between the church and Native America through various outreach opportunities and community engagement.

Prayer Requests:
Pray that we would have eyes to see all the little ways God is working in Warm Springs. Pray that we would be a consistent gospel filled presence in Warm Springs as we serve, that God would open doors for us to serve and share the gospel.


Our staff

Meet the Serve team

Get to know the dedicated individuals on the Serve team.

Lyn Cook
Lyn Cook
Director of Outreach and Mission
Meghan Penland
Meghan Penland
Manager of Administration
Clay Pilcher
Clay Pilcher
Hospitality + Events Coordinator

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our church services, beliefs, and membership.

I'm brand new and want to get plugged in. Where do I start?

We highly recommend you join a neighborhood Community Group.

What's the best avenue for growing in my relationship with Jesus alongside other believers of the same gender?

Grace Groups offer just that! They are meant to draw you into life-on-life discipleship and mutually encouraging friendship.

Do you have a Meals Ministry?

Westside's Meals Ministry is a great way to serve behind the scenes. Our Meals Ministry Team is dedicated to providing care and support to those in our community who need it most.

Whether it's welcoming a new baby, helping during an illness, or offering comfort during a difficult time, we assist with meals to bring a bit of relief and love. Serving behind the scenes in this way is a simple yet powerful way to show Christ's love to others. For more information, whether you're interested in serving, need meals or know someone who could use some help, please please reach out to Valerie Palmer and she will help get you connected.

I’m interested in maturing as a Christian. What programming do you recommend for someone with a busy schedule?

We recommend two options:

  1. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: we offer it every fall starting in September and it's just a 9-week course that unpacks core Biblical principles that leads to lasting, beneath-the-surface transformation in your relationship with Christ.
  2. Bible study: we offer two Bible studies each year, starting in September and then again in February on Wednesday mornings and evenings.
What Groups does Atlanta Westside offer?

We have several opportunities to get plugged in, ranging from discipleship groups, serving groups, missions groups and more! For a list of opportunities, head over the Groups page.